Sunday, October 9, 2011

Vivian Goes to Munich

I took an overnight train from Florence to Munich and it is possibly one of the worst nights of my life. I had a bed in a 6-bed compartment but "lucked out" and only had to share with three other people. Unfortunately for me though, one of them snores...loudly...and nonstop. I couldn't sleep at all. People who snore are evil. I haven't slept in over 38 hours. I arrived in Munich early this morning and after a certain point, I just stopped feeling sleepy and exhausted. I spent the day exploring Munich on a bike. It is a very flat city, which made the biking possible for me. I had wanted to go to Munich because I love the old Bavarian culture. Little did I know, there isn't much of that left here. Everything is pretty modernized. The Old Town isn't really all that old. Hitler had used Munich as his home base and so the Allies burned down most of the buildings during WWII. They tried to reconstruct the buildings and make it look old but it's not the same. It's pretty weird going down the same streets that Hitler and his goons walked decades ago... I also wanted to go to Munich to see the Disney Castle (Neuschwanstein Castle), but I found out it was three hours away. I ended up just biking around the city center and the Munich Marathon was going on so I followed them around some areas. I also biked to the Oktoberfest Grounds. Oktoberfest ended last week so they're taking everything down now. This area is solely there for Oktoberfest so when it's not going on, it's just completely barren. Waste of space.
Overall, I think Munich is a cool city with a not-so-great history but other than Oktoberfest, it doesn't have much to offer. And it really is all about beer here.

New Town Hall

"Old Town"
 Inside a beer hall

 Lockers for people's mugs -- they're passed down from generations to generations

 Some palace or government building...

 Government building -- Bavarians loved to copy Italian art and architecture so Munich is sometimes called the northernmost Italian town

 Like a lot of the buildings in Munich, when they rebuilt it, they didn't have enough money for the extras outside of the building so they just painted it on


Outside of a beer hall

 Olympic Park -- home of the 1972 Olympics

 The finish line for the Munich Marathon

 For some odd reason, BMW decided to place one of their cars in the middle of the lake in the park

 There were kids ZORBING in the lake... AWESOME!

 View of Munich from the top of the Olympiaturm

 The white buildings are where the athletes were housed during the Olympics and is where the hostage situation with the Israeli athletes occurred

 BMW Welt
Olympic Park from the top

 Oktoberfest grounds -- they're taking apart all of the buildings and tents until next July when they start setting up for the next Oktoberfest


Bavarian meatloaf with eggs and potatoes -- DELICIOUS!

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