Monday, August 22, 2011

Vivian Starts Uni

Today was the first day of class and I'm actually done for the week. Quite odd. I am taking three classes, Health and Medicine, Philosophy of Action (ugh), and American Literature. All three classes are on Mondays, except I have a seminar for American Lit on Tuesdays (starting next week). Yes, this means I have five day weekends (with a few exceptions where I have 4 or 6 day weekends). Unlike school in America, classes don't all start in the same week. My philosophy class doesn't start for another 2 weeks. The Norwegian education system is a lot less organized and structured. It is amusing how the Norwegian system tries to mimic the American system, but only the social aspect, and by that, I mean the partying and drinking. The university has a pub ON CAMPUS, next to the cafeteria. It also owns a place called Chateau Neuf, which is a student-run building with 10+ pubs. Each faculty has a basement that they use as a pub/party place. This would NEVER fly in the US. I suppose all of this is balanced out by the extremely strict rules when it comes to alcohol and the outrageous prices. Interesting tidbit: I found out that alcohol and tobacco is taxed about 400% here. If you buy a carton of cigarettes from Duty Free at the airport, it will cost you about 150 NOK (~$28). If you buy it anywhere else where its taxed, it will cost you 900 NOK (~$170).

Bedroom -- I found out the hard way that it is impossible to live in Norway without curtains but to save money, I just used my UNC sheet. :)

I found this nice little surprise in my closet when I first moved in. Considering I had just watched Scream 4 on the plane, I did not appreciate this at all. 

 I don't know what it is with UNC and UiO putting me on the top floor of dorms without elevators.

 Map of Sogn Student Village -- Sogn was originally built to house people for the 1952 Winter Olympics but is now a student village for the uni

 We have our own supermarket that have groceries with student-friendly prices

 Amatoren, the pub

UiO (Universitetet i Oslo) Informatics Building

 UiO Informatics Building

 UiO Humanities Faculty

 UiO Humanities Faculty





 T-banen (metro) that I take to get around

Ulleval Stadium - the stadium for Norway's football (soccer) team
this is my stop for the metro

 Olympics building

Sogn is about 5 minutes pass the footbridge

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