Saturday, August 13, 2011

First Days in Oslo

Some things about Norwegians:
1. EXTREMELY GOOD-LOOKING -- I see more beautiful men here in the span of two hours than in my entire 2 years at Carolina
2. Very trusting -- Bus drivers just assume that you buy a ticket before you get on so they never check
3. Polite 
4. Just awesome
Conclusions: I'm still trying to wrap my head around this. It's so different from what I'm used to in the States.

Some things about Norway:
             Small cheeseburger meal from Burger King = $8.84
             2 waffles and a drink at Ikea = $10.62
             Bread = $6.00
             Bottle of water = $5.00
I knew coming here was going to be expensive but you cannot get someone as cheap as me to wrap their heads around that. Just looking at the prices make me lose my appetite. In Norway, I'm legal, which doesn't really matter because I hate alcohol (it's more about the principle of the matter). However, if I ever feel like grabbing a drink with some friends, I wouldn't because alcohol is outrageously overpriced. A beer or a meal? Not a hard choice. The United States really needs to take note of this. If they want to deter teen drinking and just drinking in general, tax the hell out of the alcohol. I don't know why they haven't caught on to this yet...
2. Beautiful -- Haven't done enough exploring yet to really comment, but from what little I've seen so far, it is AMAZING
3. Short sunsets -- How is an insomniac supposed to get over jet lag when 10 PM in Oslo looks like 4 PM in North Carolina?
Conclusions: It's gonna be one AWESOME and super EXPENSIVE trip.

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